The DarkCon 2014 Charity Poker Tournament
Benefiting The Peace Fund
Shuffle up and deal ladies and gentlemen! Friday night is the night to test your skills and trust your luck while playing No Limit Texas Hold ‘Em against the best poker players at DarkCon.
Arrive at 8 pm for registration and seat assignments and then sit down by 9 pm at one of our beautiful tables staffed by professional dealers for a tournament that is sure to be exciting!
All you need to do is donate $10 to The Peace Fund and you’ll get 3000 in tournament chips. Bet, bluff, or play it tight but don’t worry because if you take that “bad beat” you can replenish your stack of chips by making another donation. All money donated goes to The Peace Fund and our dealers and tournament directors are donating their time as well.
What are you playing for you may ask… besides being named the tournament champion at DarkCon 2014 and having bragging rights? Well, we’ve got prizes that are being donated by several sponsors. Come and take a look at the big prize table after you register and start thinking ahead of the other players.
This is Friday night so Steampunk is the fashion… just keep the high-tech cheating apparatus away from the tables or face the wrath of our Peace Keeper of the evening (and tournament director), R. Loup DeVault. For those of you that are “poker literate” the details are below but even if you’re a novice, come and play… you just might get LUCKY!
— Registration begins at 8:00 pm Friday night
— Cards in the air after announcements at 9:00 PM
— No Limit Texas Hold ‘Em Tournament play
— 3000 in starting chips
— Unlimited replenishment for an additional donation if you are below 500 in chips for the first hour After the first break there will be some opportunities to get additional chips for a few lucky players.
Donation is $10 and this is a cash only event. [Or reserve your spot in advance on the site HERE.]
Online Registration for this event is now closed. On-site registration may be available at the convention.
We always welcome new sponsors so if you would like to help sponsor this event, send an email to
Additional information on our charity is available here: The Peace Fund